Thrown Away
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What do you mean by Thrown Away?

Thrown away as in THROW AWAY PETS and DISPOSABLE PETS. So what is that supposed to mean? Here is what MSN Encarta defines Disposable and Pet:

"throwaway: designed to be thrown away after use" - Encarta Dictionary

"animal kept at home: an animal kept for companionship, interest, or amusement" - Encarta Dictionary

As such, a disposable pet is a pet a person views as expendable and unworthy of proper care.

  Example 1: Poorly Educated, Poorly Prepared

Joe Schmoe goes and buys a little boa. Over time the boa grows and grows. Soon it is too big for Joe to handle. So Joe decides to ditch it at an animal shelter with little explanation.

A good owner should love their animals enough to provide proper care and affection.

  Example 2: Novelty Pet, Novelty Lost

Jane Doe buys a cute little pit bull. She doesn't train it beyond house breaking it. As it gets older and less cute, she starts to pay little attention to it. Eventually, the dog gets out of hand and the neighbors begin to complain about the agressive dog. To solve her problem she abandons it in a lot.

The sad stories go on. I have heard it all. The point is no matter if the pet is a little tiny mouse or a big clompy horse, you need to follow the ten commandments of pet ownership.

The 10 Commandments of Pet Ownership

  1. Before you buy it, learn about it. Learn of its needs and requirements.
  2. Socialize your pet and keep it active.
  3. Check on your pet's food and water supply. Refresh it as needed.
  4. If you wouldn't want to live in certain conditions, then don't expect your pet to be happy in those same conditions. (eg, in a bad habitat vs a good one)
  5. Give your pet things to play with to prevent boredom and destructive behavior in larger pets.
  6. Remember to provide your pet with the appropiate space for comfort and no over crowding.
  7. Cleanliness is the key to good pet health and yours.
  8. Take your pet to the vet when practical and do home remedies when you can't.
  9. Do routine checks on your pets to be sure they are happy and healthy.
  10. Watch for conditions and products that may endanger their health, but don't believe all that is emailed to you - be sure the source is reliable and true.
  Animal Myths Exposed:
  • Fabreeze does not damage the neurological systems of cats, dogs, or any other pet.
  • Swiffer Wet Jet does not kill pets either and has no properties resembling antifreeze.
  • Alkaselzer does not explode seagull tummies.
  • rice thrown at weddings does not kill birds.
  • When a group of animal rights activists freed 6500 minks to the wild, the result was a damaged ecosystem.
  • Raisins and grapes are poisonous to dogs.
  • In China, St. Bernards are veiwed as a food source.
  • Ultra Clorox is no more harmful than the original and was not cruelly tested on animals, but of course I wouldn't go feeding it to my pets - you can keep in safely in your homes. After all, there is lye in it and it is bleach! Used properly, much like the other cleaning goods, it will not hurt your lovelies.
  • KFC is not rasing freak chickens to make their product easier to deal with.
  • Bonsai kittens raised in jars are not real.

Good sites to go to for checking on the reliability of a rumor/myth are and


(c) Esther Barnett 2004, unless otherwise noted.